Product Summary
6TPC100M is the solid electrolytic Tantalum chip capacitor.
6TPC100M specifications: (1)Rated voltage: 6.3V; (2)Capacitance: 100μF; (3)Loss angle: 10.0%max; (4)Leakage current: 63.0 μA; (5)ESR: 45 mohm; (6)Maimum allowable ripple current: 1700 mA.
6TPC100M features: (1)Safer than a standard Tantalum capacitor, especially in the short circuit mode; (2)Low impedance and low ESR at high frequency; (3)Lower ESR than most Tantalums; (4)High ripple current capacity; (5)Tempearture rating: -55 to +105℃; (6)Voltage rating up to 16V.